Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sophia Grace and Rosie: Premiere of new segment on Ellen!!

While "The Ellen Show's" adorable British princess mascots Sophia Grace and Rosiehave been in Los Angeles filming segment after segment for the talk show, they've been experiencing all America has to offer (namely: Disney Land and a bazillion awards shows). 

But now the girls have decided to introduce "Ellen" to a tradition from their homeland in a new regular segment called "Tea Time with Sophia Grace and Rosie." Their inaugural guest? None other than country sweetheart (and "Lorax" star)Taylor Swift.

First they make the recent Grammy winner dress up in her own tutu and tiara, then they talk about adorable things like glitter glue and the color gold before eating cookies and discussing their favorite ice cream and candy bars. Sneaky Ellen also has the girls ask Swifty if she has a boyfriend, but the singer holds her "no boyfriend" line.

By Jean Bentley
February 29, 2012 12:25 PM ET

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